Leadership & Hero Building Insights from The HERO Builder Team

Educator Tools
Boyd Hamlin

People do what people do.

“People do what people see.” I first read that line in a book from my mentor and friend, John Maxwell. There are other ways that particular line can be expressed. “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” “Monkey see, Monkey do” or “People do what people do”. Have you ever told someone to be

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Educator Tools
Boyd Hamlin

You can’t run on empty!

Have you ever run out of gas? Back in my college days, I remember thinking that I had run out of gas and had to get help pushing the truck into a nearby parking lot. It was then that I remembered the old Ford truck I was driving had a reserve tank. Just flip the

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Educator Tools
Boyd Hamlin

How are you Growing?

How is your personal development going? Most people approach personal development (growth) in the same way they do physical development. You get the book by John Maxwell, “15 Invaluable Laws of Growth” and devour it within a week or two. Then, you go to bed and get up the next morning and only one thing

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Educator Tools
Boyd Hamlin

To speak or not to speak? That is the Question!

Everybody wants to be a speaker! That is until you are called upon to deliver a keynote address to your colleagues or to the students who have sat under your influence. That’s when you begin sweating and the desire to speak slowly moves down the list of your future goals. Speaking takes courage, commitment and

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Educator Tools
Boyd Hamlin

The HERO Builder Featured on 1360 Faith Talk Radio

We are extremely proud to have been featured on 1360 Faith Talk Radio in Phoenix, Arizona. This was an amazing opportunity to discuss The HERO Builder and its profound and lasting affect of the kids our program impacts. Checkout the audio of this interview below.

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Educator Tools
Jeff Orr

Regenerating your Creativity.

This is a topic that hits home for me. Being a creative, I often find my creative mojo a little on the low side. I struggle to be in that flow of innovative and inspired ideas and thoughts on a consistent basis. I have found over the years that this is the norm for the

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Educator Tools
Boyd Hamlin

I SEE you.

Do you remember playing HIDE-AND-SEEK when you were growing up? Well, maybe you still play it sometimes when you see someone at the store that you don’t want seeing you. Anyway, no matter how good of a hiding place you find to hide in or how quiet you are when the person who is IT

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Educator Tools
Jeff Orr

Bringing back the wonder in what you do

Everyone gets jaded. I know, that statement alone demonstrates the point. But it is true! Especially in our careers. We start with the best of hope, excitement, and expectations. Then reality hits. Budgets aren’t what was planned for. Schedules get shifted. Suddenly, you’re being tasked to teach a class that you aren’t as knowledgeable in

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Educator Tools
Jeff Orr


It has been said that you become like the five people you hang out with the most. When I first heard that statement I was hanging out with myself (solopreneur), my wife, and my two-year old daughter. Most of my casual conversation revolved around one word answers, books about sheep and the moon, and the

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Educator Tools
Jeff Orr

What you do really does matter.

Teaching can be such a thankless job at times. You pour into your student’s lives, trying to help them connect to the subject matter, and all your extra time and effort seems to make little difference to so many. But remember why you got into teaching in the first place. You wanted to make an

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Educator Tools
Boyd Hamlin

Open to new ideas?

Have you ever been to the moon? Me neither! But, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, David Scott, Charles Duke and Harrison Schmitt have. Why? They were open to new ideas. Sameness could be the death of all of us! None of us are living in the movie, Groundhog Day. So, don’t act like you are! Some

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Educator Tools
Boyd Hamlin

Are we listening to the heart of others?

Are our ears awake? Are our eyes seeing and hearing what is being said without words? These are good questions to think on. It doesn’t matter if the message others are screaming into a megaphone is ‘I’m lonely’, ‘I’m hungry ‘or, ‘I’m contemplating suicide’. If our ears are not awake, we simply won’t hear them.

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Educator Tools
Boyd Hamlin

Passing on to others? What are you passing on?

Picture in your mind a father playing catch with his son or daughter in the front yard. Whether it’s a baseball or a football, the father wants their kid to catch the ball he’s passing to them. It might take him a while, but if he’s willing to keep working with them, his kids will

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Educator Tools
Jeff Orr

Inner Circle – Who are you letting in?

In our heavily connected culture of social media, it is difficult to delineate between your “friends” and your true friends. Not everyone who happens to follow you or like a post you put out is a true friend. How do you define your true friends? One way to look at this is by thinking of

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Educator Tools
Boyd Hamlin

Pour Into Others

I recently read that you can find delight and affirmation in the action of pouring into others. Everything we do requires action. Everyone we know needs affirmation.  The question was asked, “How do I know when someone needs encouragement?” “If they are breathing!” was the brilliant answer of a man who kept himself full so

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Educator Tools
Boyd Hamlin


Are you doing a good job being your authentic self? “What does that even mean?” I’m glad you asked. Authenticity is simply being genuine or, being the real deal. The example we want to set for others is to like being who they are and who they are becoming. So, it’s important that we set

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Educator Tools
Jeff Orr


Before you judge someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes I feel your pain… I can only imagine what that feels like… We’ve heard these statements before. They reflect the posture of empathy. Empathy helps us when we are dealing with a difficult person, parent, friend, co-worker, or even a stranger. It is

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